ICDE2024 Logo




Monday May 13th, 2024
Theater 12 Theater 11 Theater 10 Theater 9 Theater 4 Theater 3 Theater 2 Theater 1 Speys Meeting Room
9:00-10:00 DataPlat HarDB & Active DECOR FAIR MulTiSA DBML SEAGraph
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break @ Speys
10:30-12:00 DataPlat HarDB & Active DECOR FAIR MulTiSA DBML SEAGraph
12:00-13:30 Lunch @ Speys
13:30-15:00 DASC HarDB & Active DECOR FAIR MulTiSA DBML SEAGraph STC
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break @ Speys
15:30-17:00 DASC HarDB & Active DECOR FAIR MulTiSA DBML SEAGraph STC
17:00-19:30 Welcome Reception @ Speys




Tuesday May 14th, 2024
Theater 12 Theater 11 Theater 10 Theater 9 Theater 4 Theater 3 Theater 2 Theater 1 Speys B2B
8:30-8:45 Opening @ Theater 12
8:45-9:45 Keynote on Intention is All We Need, To Make Databases Great for App Dev by Juan Loaiza, (Executive Vice President, Oracle) and (Tirthankar Lahiri is Senior Vice President of Data, Oracle). @ Theater 12
9:45-10:15 Coffee Break @ Speys
10:15-11:45 AI for Databases I Query Processing, Indexing, and Optimization I Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data I Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery I Very Large Data Science Applications/pipelines Information Integration and Data Quality I Cloud Database Systems [Industry].
Includes invited talk on Vector Search and Databases
Tutorial on Bipartite Graph Analytics: Current Techniques and Future Trends Posters of the 15:45 Session Posters of the 15:45 Session
11:45-13:15 Lunch @ Speys
13:15-15:15 Sponsor Talks @ Theater 12
15:15-15:45 Coffee Break @ Speys
15:45-16:21 AI for Databases II Query Processing, Indexing, and Optimization II Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data II Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery II Spatial Databases and Temporal Databases I Information Integration and Data Quality II Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery IV Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery V Posters of the 10:15 Session Demonstration Group A and B
and PhD Posters
16:21-18:00 AI for Databases III Query Processing, Indexing, and Optimization III Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data III Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery III Spatial Databases and Temporal Databases II Information Integration and Data Quality III Machine Learning and Data Science [Industry].
Includes invited talk on From Truck to Racecar: Revving up Transactional Throughput 1000x in an Analytical Engine
Tutorial on LLMs: Principles and Practice Posters of the 10:15 Session Demonstration Group A and B
and PhD Posters
18:00-20:00 TCDE Reception @ Speys TKDE Posters TKDE Posters




Wednesday May 15th, 2024
Theater 12 Theater 11 Theater 10 Theater 9 Theater 4 Theater 3 Theater 2 Theater 1 Speys B2B
8:30-9:30 Keynote on How Serious We Are About Green Computing: The Impact of Data Intensive Computing by Gustavo Alonso (Professor, ETH Zurich) @ Theater 12
9:30-10:00 Coffee Break @ Speys
10:00-12:15 Database technology for AI I Distributed, Parallel and P2P Data Management I Explainability, Fairness, and Trust in Data Systems and Analysis I Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery VI Crowdsourcing I Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Database Venues Infrastructure for Machine Learning [Industry].
Includes invited talk on Deletion Vectors: No-Regrets Row-Level Updates in Delta Lake
Tutorial on Privacy-Aware Analysis based on Data Series Posters of the 15:30 Session Demonstration Group B and C and PhD Posters
12:15-13:45 Lunch @ Speys
13:45-15:15 Executive and Awards Session @ Theater 12
15:30-16:30 Database technology for AI II Distributed, Parallel and P2P Data Management II Explainability, Fairness, and Trust in Data Systems and Analysis II Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery VII Crowdsourcing II Database technology for Blockchains I Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery VIII Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery IX Posters of the 17:00 Session Posters of the 17:00 Session
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break @ Speys
17:00-18:30 Text, Semi-Structured Data, IR, Image, and Multimedia databases I Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data IV Explainability, Fairness, and Trust in Data Systems and Analysis III Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery X Crowdsourcing III Panel on Data Management in the Cloud: Trends and Directions Query Performance [Industry].
Includes invited talk on How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Benchmarks
Tutorial on Privacy-Aware Analysis based on Data Series (Part B) Posters of the 10:00 Session Posters of the 10:00 Session
19:00-22:30 Banquet Dinner @ Spoorwegmuseum (Railway Museum) or Boat Tour




Thursday May 16th, 2024
Theater 12 Theater 11 Theater 10 Theater 9 Theater 4 Theater 3 Theater 2 Theater 1 Speys B2B
8:30-9:30 Keynote by Christos Kozyrakis (Stanford University) @ Theater 12
9:30-10:00 Coffee Break @ Speys
10:00-11:50 Future Technologies 1 @ Theater 12
11:50-13:15 Lunch @ Speys
13:15-14:45 Database technology for Blockchains II Modern Hardware and In-Memory Database Systems I Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data V Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data VI PhD Symposium Lightning Talks Tuning and Industrial Applications [Industry] Tutorial on Robust Query Optimization in the Era of Machine Learning: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions Posters of the 16:30 Session Posters of the 16:30 Session
15:00-16:00 Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data VII Modern Hardware and In-Memory Database Systems II Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data VIII Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data IX Data Stream Systems and Edge Computing I Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery XI Database Security and Privacy I Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery XIII Posters of the 10:00 Session Demonstration Group A and C
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break @ Speys
16:30-18:40 Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data X Modern Hardware and In-Memory Database Systems III Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data XI Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data XII Data Stream Systems and Edge Computing II Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery XII Database Security and Privacy II Tutorial on Quantum Data Management: From theory to Opportunities Posters of the 13:15 and 15:00 Session Posters of the 13:15 and 15:00 Session




Friday May 17th, 2024
Theater 12 Theater 11 Theater 10 Theater 9 Theater 4 Theater 3 Theater 2 Theater 1 Speys B2B
8:30-10:00 Text, Semi-Structured Data, IR, Image, and Multimedia databases II Query Processing, Indexing, and Optimization IV Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data XIII Uncertain, Probabilistic, and Approximate Databases Benchmarking, Performance Modeling, Tuning, and Testing Workflows and Scientific Data Management Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery XIV An Interactive Dive (Tutorial) into Time-Series Anomaly Detection Posters of the 16:20 Session Posters of the 16:20 Session
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break @ Speys
10:30-12:45 Future Technologies 2 @ Theater 12
12:45-14:00 Lunch @ Speys
14:00-15:50 AI for Databases IV Query Processing, Indexing, and Optimization V Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data XIV Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery XV Spatial Databases and Temporal Databases III Information Integration and Data Quality IV Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery XVII A Comprehensive Tutorial on over 100 years of Diagrammatic Representations of Logical Statements and Relational Queries [In Theater 1} Posters of the 8:30 and 10:30 Sessions Posters of the 8:30 and 10:30 Sessions
15:50-16:20 Coffee Break @ Speys
16:20-18:30 AI for Databases V Query Processing, Indexing, and Optimization VI Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data XV Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery XVI Spatial Databases and Temporal Databases IV Information Integration and Data Quality V Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery XVIII A Comprehensive Tutorial on over 100 years of Diagrammatic Representations of Logical Statements and Relational Queries (Part B) Posters of the 14:00 Session Posters of the 14:00 Session