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Accepted Industry and Application Papers

Thuesday May 14th, 2024 @ 10:15
Cloud Database Systems [In Theater 2, Chair: Renata Borovica-Gajic]
  • Invited Talk: Vector Search and Databases
    Yannis Papakonstantinou (Google)
  • GaussDB-Global: A Geographically Distributed Database System
    Puya Memarzia (Huawei); Huaxin Zhang (Huawei Canada Ltd.); Kelvin Ho (Huawei Canada Technologies Inc.); Ronen Grosman (Huawei); Jiang Wang (Huawei)
  • Towards a Shared-storage-based Serverless Database Achieving Seamless Scale-up and Read Scale-out
    Yingqiang Zhang (Alibaba Group); xinjun Yang (Alibaba Group); Hao Chen (Alibaba Group ); Feifei Li (Alibaba Group); jiawei xu (Alibaba Group); Jie Zhou (Alibaba); Xudong Wu (Alibaba Group); Qiang Zhang (Alibaba Cloud)
  • Optimized Locking in SQL Azure
    Chaitanya Sreenivas Ravella (Microsoft); Prashanth Purnananda (Microsoft); Hanuma Kodavalla (Microsoft); Peter Byrne (Microsoft); Adrian-Leonard Radu (Microsoft); Wayne Chen (Microsoft); Srikanth Sampath (Microsoft); Naga Bhavana Atluri (Microsoft); Srinag Rao (Microsoft); Priyanka A Kakade (Microsoft)
  • Separation Is for Better Reunion: Data Lake Storage at Huawei
    Xin Tang (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Chengliang Chai (Beijing Institute of Technology)*; Dawei Zhao (Huawei); Haohai Ma (Huawei); Yong Zheng (Huawei); Zhenyong Fan (Huawei); Xin Wu (Huawei); Jiaquan Zhang (HW); Rui Zhang (HW); Duanshun Li (HW); Yi He (HW); Keji Huang (Huawei); Guangbin Meng (Huawei); Yidong Wang (Huawei); Yuefeng Zhou (Huawei); Tao Tao (China Mobile); Lirong Jian (Hashdata); Jiwu Shu (Tsinghua); Yu-Ping Wang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Ye Yuan ( Beijing Institute of Technology); Guoren Wang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Guoliang Li (Tsinghua University)

Tuesday May 14th, 2024 @ 16:21
Machine Learning and Data Science [In Theater 2, Chair: Essam Mansour]

Wednesday May 15th, 2024 @ 10:00
Infrastructure for Machine Learning [In Theater 2, Chair: Peter Boncz]

Wednesday May 15th, 2024 @ 17:00
Query Performance [In Theater 2, Chair: Peter Boncz]

Thursday May 16th, 2024 @ 13:15
Tuning and Industrial Applications [In Theater 2, Chair: Yingqiang Zhang]

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© ICDE 2024