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Special Session on Diversity and Inclusion

Wednesday May 15th, 2024 @ 10:00
Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Database Venues [In Theater 3, Chair: Pinar Tözün, Katerina Ioannou]
  • Diversity, Inclusion and Software
    by Prof. Alexander Serebrenik (Eindhoven University of Technology)

    In this talk we start by reflecting on some of the exercises in the database textbooks through the lens of diversity and inclusion. Then we discuss some of the ways the software engineering community is trying make software systems more inclusive: by analysing systems, finding and hopefully fixing exclusionary practices embedded in these systems, and by working towards more inclusive communities of software developers that can be expected to be more aware of the different needs of different users.

    D&I lunch
    A special event is scheduled directly after the session. Here, junior researchers will be able to discuss with senior members of the community about a variety of topics, such as finding mentors, defining topics to work on, dealing with failures, industry vs academia, etc.

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