ICDE2024 Logo

Accepted Research Papers

Tuesday May 14th, 2024 @ 10:15-11:45
AI for Databases I [In Theater 12, Chair: Yong Zhang]

Query Processing, Indexing, and Optimization I [In Theater 11, Chair: Mohamed Eltabakh]

Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data I [In Theater 10, Chair: Da Yan]

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery I [In Theater 9, Chair: Saeid Hosseini]

Very Large Data Science Applications/pipelines [In Theater 4, Chair: Torben Bach Pedersen]

Information Integration and Data Quality I [In Theater 3, Chair: Gerardo Vitagliano]
  • FedMix: Boosting with Data Mixture for Vertical Federated Learning
    Yihang Cheng (University of Science and Technology of China); Lan Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China); JunYang Wang (University of Science and Technology of China); Xiaokai Chu (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Dongbo Huang (Tencent); Lan Xu (Tencent)
  • DMRNet: Effective Network for Accurate Discharge Medication Recommendation
    Shi jiyun (Beijing Institute of Technology); Yuqiao Wang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Chi Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Zhaojing Luo (Beijing Institute of Technology); Chengliang Chai (Beijing Institute of Technology); Meihui Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology)
  • BClean: A Bayesian Data Cleaning System
    Yaoshu Wang (Shenzhen Institute of Computing Sciences, Shenzhen University); Jianbin Qin (Shenzhen Institute of Computing Sciences, Shenzhen University ); Sifan Huang (Shenzhen Institute of Computing Sciences, Shenzhen University); Jing Zhu (Shenzhen University); Yifan Zhang (Shenzhen Institute of Computing Sciences, Shenzhen University); Yukai Miao (University of New South Wales); Rui Mao (Shenzhen University); Makoto Onizuka (Osaka University); Chuan Xiao (Osaka University, Nagoya University)
  • MultiEM: Efficient and Effective Unsupervised Multi-Table Entity Matching
    Xiaocan Zeng (Zhejiang University); Pengfei Wang (Zhejiang University); Yuren Mao (Zhejiang University); Lu Chen (Zhejiang University); Xiaoze Liu (ZJU); Yunjun Gao (Zhejiang University)
  • A Critical Re-evaluation of Benchmark Datasets for (Deep) Learning-Based Matching Algorithms
    George Papadakis (University of Athens); Nishadi Kirielle (The Australian National University); Peter Christen (The Australian National University); Themis Palpanas (Université Paris Cité)

Tuesday May 14th, 2024 @ 15:45-16:21
AI for Databases II [In Theater 12, Chair: Arijit Khan]
  • Knowledge Graph Enhanced Multimodal Transformer for Image-Text Retrieval
    Juncheng Zheng (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications); Meiyu Liang (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications); Yang Yu (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications); Yawen Li (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications); Zhe Xue (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications)
  • Functionality-Aware Database Tuning via Multi-Task Learning
    Zhongwei Yue (East China Normal University | ECNU · Department of Computer Science & Technology); Shujian Peng (East China Normal University); Peng Cai (East China Normal University); Xuan Zhou (East China Normal University); Huiqi Hu (East China Normal University); Rong Zhang (East China Normal University); Quanqing Xu (OceanBase, Ant Group ); Chuanhui Yang (OceanBase)

Query Processing, Indexing, and Optimization II [In Theater 11, Chair: Ashwin Lall]

Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data II [In Theater 10, Chair: Yuchen Li]

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery II [In Theater 9, Chair: Zeyi Wen]
  • Improve ROI with Causal Learning and Conformal Prediction
    Meng Ai (China Mobile Information Technology Co., Ltd); Zhuo Chen (China Mobile); Jibin Wang (China Mobile Information Technology Center); Jing Shang (China Mobile Information Technology Co. Ltd.); Tao Tao (China Mobile Information Technology Co. Ltd.); Zhen Li (China Mobile Information Technology Co., Ltd)
  • Hide Your Model: A Parameter Transmission-free Federated Recommender System
    Wei Yuan (The University of Queensland); Chaoqun Yang (Griffith University); Liang Qu (The University of Queensland); Quoc Viet Hung Nguyen (Griffith University); Jianxin Li (Deakin University); Hongzhi Yin (The University of Queensland)

Spatial Databases and Temporal Databases I [In Theater 4, Chair: Harry Kai-Ho Chan]

Information Integration and Data Quality II [In Theater 3, Chair: Reynold Cheng]

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery IV [In Theater 2, Chair: Jianbin Qin]

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery V [In Theater 1, Chair: Jiawei Jiang]

Tuesday May 14th, 2024 @ 16:21-18:00
AI for Databases III [In Theater 12, Chair: Wei Huang]

Query Processing, Indexing, and Optimization III [In Theater 11, Chair: Maximilian E Schüle]

Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data III [In Theater 10, Chair: Chenhao Ma]
  • Fast Iterative Graph Computing with Updated Neighbor States
    Yijie Zhou (Northeastern University); Shufeng Gong (NorthEastern University); Feng Yao (Northeastern University); Hanzhang Chen (Northeastern University); Song Yu (Northeastern University); Pengxi Liu (Northeastern University); Yanfeng Zhang (Northeastern University); Ge Yu (Northeastern University); Jeffrey Xu Yu (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
  • Querying Numeric-Constrained Shortest Distances on Road Networks
    Mingyu Yang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)); Wentao Li (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)); Wei Wang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)); Dong Wen (University of New South Wales); Lu Qin (UTS)
  • Mining Quasi-Periodic Communities in Temporal Network
    Yue Zeng (Beijing Institute of Technology); Hongchao Qin (Beijing Institute of Technology); Ronghua Li (Beijing Institute of Technology); Kai Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Guoren Wang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Xuemin Lin (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
  • GraphRARE: Reinforcement Learning Enhanced Graph Neural Network with Relative Entropy
    Tianhao Peng (Beihang University); Wenjun Wu (Beihang University); Haitao Yuan (Nanyang Technological University); Zhifeng Bao (RMIT University); zhao pengrui (BUAA); Xin Yu (Beihang University); Xuetao Lin (Beihang University); Yu Liang (Beihang University); yanjun pu (beihang)
  • Querying Historical Cohesive Subgraphs over Temporal Bipartite Graphs
    Shunyang Li (University of New South Wales); Kai Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Xuemin Lin (Shanghai Jiaotong University); Wenjie Zhang (University of New South Wales); Yizhang He (The University of New South Wales); Long Yuan (Nanjing University of Science and Technology)

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery III [In Theater 9, Chair: John Paparrizos]

Spatial Databases and Temporal Databases II [In Theater 4, Chair: Sijie Ruan]

Information Integration and Data Quality III [In Theater 3, Chair: Hazar Harmouch]

Wednesday May 15th, 2024 @ 10:00-12:15
Database technology for AI I [In Theater 12, Chair: Jia Zou]

Distributed, Parallel and P2P Data Management I [In Theater 11, Chair: Yongluan Zhou]
  • Lion: Minimizing Distributed Transactions through Adaptive Replica Provision
    Qiushi Zheng (Renmin University of China); Zhanhao Zhao (Renmin University of China); WEI LU (Renmin University of China); Chang Yao (Zhejiang University); Yuxing Chen (Tencent); Anqun Pan (Tencent Inc., China); Xiaoyong Du (Renmin University of China)
  • FC: Adaptive Atomic Commit via Failure Detection
    Hexiang Pan (National University of Singapore); Quang-Trung Ta (National University of Singapore ); Meihui Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Zhanhao Zhao (National University of Singapore); Yeow Meng Chee (National University of Singapore); Gang Chen (Zhejiang University); Beng Chin Ooi (NUS)
  • ZeroTune: Learned Zero-Shot Cost Model for Parallelism Tuning in Stream Processing
    Pratyush Agnihotri (TU Darmstadt); Boris Koldehofe (TU Ilmenau); Paul Stiegele (TU Darmstadt); Roman Heinrich (DHBW Mannheim); Carsten Binnig (TU Darmstadt); Manisha Luthra (TU Darmstadt and DFKI)
  • MergeSFL: Split Federated Learning with Feature Merging and Batch Size Regulation
    Yunming Liao (University of Science and Technology of China); Yang Xu (University of Science and Technology of China); Hongli Xu (University of Science and Technology of China); Lun Wang (University of Science and Technology Of China); zhiwei yao (University of Science and Technology of China); Chunming Qiao (University at Buffalo)
  • SharDAG: Scaling DAG-Based Blockchains via Adaptive Sharding
    Feng Cheng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Jiang Xiao ( Huazhong University of Science and Technology); liu cunyang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Shijie Zhang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Yifan Zhou (Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Bo Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Baochun Li (University of Toronto); Hai Jin (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
  • Boosting Write Performance of KV Stores: An NVM-Enabled Storage Collaboration Approach
    Yi Wang (Shenzhen University); Jiajian He (Shenzhen University); Kaoyi Sun (Shenzhen University); Yunhao Dong (Shenzhen University); Jiaxian Chen (Shenzhen University); Chenlin Ma (Shenzhen University); Amelie Chi Zhou (Hong Kong Baptist University); Rui Mao (Shenzhen University)
  • Log Replaying for Real-Time HTAP: An Adaptive Epoch-based Two-Stage Framework
    Jun-Peng Zhu (East China Normal University); Zhiwei Ye (China Mobile Communications Corporation); Peng Cai (East China Normal University); Donghui Wang (East China Normal University); Zhang Fengyan (ECUN); Dunbo Cai (hina Mobile (Suzhou) Software Technology Co., Ltd.); Ling Qian (China Mobile Cloud Computing Center)

Explainability, Fairness, and Trust in Data Systems and Analysis I [In Theater 10, Chair: Dimitris Sacharidis]

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery VI [In Theater 9, Chair: Tsz Nam Chan]

Crowdsourcing I [In Theater 4, Chair: Andrew Rebeiro-Hargrave]

Wednesday May 15th, 2024 @ 15:30-16:30
Database technology for AI II [In Theater 12, Chair: Long Yuan]

Distributed, Parallel and P2P Data Management II [In Theater 11, Chair: Nikos Ntarmos]

Explainability, Fairness, and Trust in Data Systems and Analysis II [In Theater 10, Chair: Paolo Missier]
  • Why-Not Explainable Graph Recommender
    Hervé-Madelein Attolou (ETIS - CY ); Katerina Tzompanaki (CY Cergy Paris University); Kostas Stefanidis (Tampere University); Dimitris Kotzinos (CY Cergy Paris University)
  • GAGE: Genetic Algorithm-based Graph Explainer for Malware Analysis
    Mohd Saqib (McGill University); Benjamin C. M. Fung (McGill University); Philippe Charland (Mission Critical Cyber Security Section, Defence R&D Canada - Valcartier); Andrew Walenstein (BlackBerry Limited)
  • Accurate Explanation Model for Image Classifiers using Class Association Embedding
    Ruitao Xie (Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, 518055, China); Jingbang Chen (University of California, Los Angeles); Limai Jiang (Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Rui Xiao (Shenzhen institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen,518055,China); Yi Pan (Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Yunpeng Cai (Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology)

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery VII [In Theater 9, Chair: Luo Zhaojing]

Crowdsourcing II [In Theater 4, Chair: Yan Zhao]

Database technology for Blockchains I [In Theater 3, Chair: Uta Störl]

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery VIII [In Theater 2, Chair: Wenzhong Li]
  • TS3Net: Triple Decomposition with Spectrum Gradient for Long-Term Time Series Analysis
    xiangkai ma (Nanjing University); Xiaobin Hong (Nanjing university); Sanglu Lu (NJU); Wenzhong Li (Nanjing University)
  • An Efficient Fuzzy Stream Clustering Method Based on Granular-Ball Structure
    Jiang Xie (Chongqing Key Laboratory of Computational Intelligence; Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications); Minggao Dai (Chongqing Key Laboratory of Computational Intelligence; Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications); Shuyin Xia Xia (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications); Jingjing Zhang (Chongqing Key Laboratory of Computational Intelligence; Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications); Guoyin Wang (Chongqing Key Laboratory of Computational Intelligence; Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications); Xinbo Gao (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications)
  • W-GBC: An Adaptive Weighted Clustering Method Based on Granular-Ball Structure
    Jiang Xie (Chongqing Key Laboratory of Computational Intelligence; Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications); Yuxin Cheng (Chongqing Key Laboratory of Computational Intelligence; Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications); Shuyin Xia Xia (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications); Chunfeng Hua (Chongqing Key Laboratory of Computational Intelligence; Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications); Guoyin Wang (Chongqing Key Laboratory of Computational Intelligence; Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications); Xinbo Gao (Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications)

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery IX [In Theater 1, Chair: Chuan Peng]

Wednesday May 15th, 2024 @ 17:00-18:30
Text, Semi-Structured Data, IR, Image, and Multimedia databases I [In Theater 12, Chair: Zheng Wang]

Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data IV [In Theater 11, Chair: Da Yan]

Explainability, Fairness, and Trust in Data Systems and Analysis III [In Theater 10, Chair: George Fletcher]
  • FAIRGEN: Towards Fair Graph Generation
    Lecheng Zheng (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Dawei Zhou (Virginia Tech); Hanghang Tong (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Jiejun Xu (HRL Laboratories, LLC); Yada Zhu (IBM); Jingrui He (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • Fast, Robust and Interpretable Participant Contribution Estimation for Federated Learning
    Yong Wang (Tsinghua University); Yuyu Luo (HKUST (GZ)); Kaiyu Li (Tsinghua University); Guoliang Li (Tsinghua University); Yunyan Guo (Tsinghua University); Zhuo Wang (Tsinghua University)
  • Exploring Optimal Parameters for Expected Results on Radius-Bounded k-Core Queries
    Chuanyu Zong (Shenyang Aerospace University); Zefang Dong (Shenyang Aerospace University); Xiaochun Yang (Northeastern University); Bin Wang (Northeastern University); Huaijie Zhu (Sun Yat-Sen University); Tao Qiu (Shenyang Aerospace University); Rui Zhu (Shenyang Aerospace University)
  • Explaining Entity Matching with Clusters of Words
    Riccardo Benassi (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia); Francesco Guerra (University of Modena e Reggio Emilia); Matteo Paganelli (Hasso Plattner Institute); Donato Tiano (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia)
  • Fair Top-k Query on Alpha-Fairness
    Hao Liu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Zheng Zhang (Individual); Raymond Chi-Wing Wong (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Min Xie (Shenzhen Institute of Computing Sciences ); Bo Tang (Southern University of Science and Technology)

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery X [In Theater 9, Chair: Zeyi Wen]

Crowdsourcing III [In Theater 4, Chair: Wookey Lee]
  • Cross Online Ride-sharing for Multiple-Platform Cooperations in Spatial Crowdsourcing
    Yurong Cheng (Beijing institute of technology); Zhaohe Liao (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Xiaosong Huang (peking university); Yi Yang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Xiangmin Zhou (RMIT University); Ye Yuan ( Beijing Institute of Technology); Guoren Wang (Beijing Institute of Technology)
  • Cooperative Air-Ground Instant Delivery by UAVs and Crowdsourced Taxis
    Junhui Gao (Northwestern Polytechnical University); Qianru Wang (Xidian University); Xin Zhang (National University of Defense Technology); Juan Shi (Air Force Engineering University); Xiang Zhao (National University of Defense Technology); Qingye Han (Chongqing University); yan pan (nudt)
  • Urban Sensing for Multi-destination Workers via Deep Reinforcement Learning
    Shuliang Wang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Song Tang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Sijie Ruan (Beijing Institute of Technology); Cheng Long (Nanyang Technological University); Yuxuan Liang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)); Qi Li (Beijing institute of technology); Ziqiang Yuan (Beijing Institute of Technology); Jie Bao (Microsoft Research Asia, China); Yu Zheng (JD)
  • Semi-Asynchronous Online Federated Crowdsourcing
    Xiangping Kang (Shandong University); Guoxian Yu (Shandong University); Jun Wang (Shandong University); Hui Li (Shandong University); Carlotta Domeniconi (George Mason University); Qingzhong Li (" Shandong University, China")

Thursday May 16th, 2024 @ 13:15-14:45
Database technology for Blockchains II [In Theater 12, Chair: Jiang Xiao]
  • Porygon: Scaling Blockchain via 3D Parallelism
    Wuhui Chen (Sun Yat-sen University); Ding Xia (Sun Yat-sen University ); Zhongteng Cai (The Ohio State University); Hong-Ning Dai (Hong Kong Baptist University); Jianting Zhang (Purdue University); Zicong Hong (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University ); Junyuan Liang (Sun Yat-sen University); Zibin Zheng (Sun Yat-sen University)
  • Authenticated Keyword Search on Large-scale Graphs in Hybrid-Storage Blockchains
    Siyu Li (Beijing Institute of Technology); Zhiwei Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Jiang Xiao ( Huazhong University of Science and Technology); Meihui Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Ye Yuan ( Beijing Institute of Technology); Guoren Wang (Beijing Institute of Technology)
  • MuFuzz: Sequence-Aware Mutation and Seed Mask Guidance for Blockchain Smart Contract Fuzzing
    Peng Qian (Zhejiang University); Hanjie Wu (Zhejiang Gongshang University); Du ZeRen (Zhejiang Gongshang University); Turan Vural (UCLA); Dazhong Rong (Zhejiang University); Zheng Cao (Zhejiang University); Zhang Lun (Goplus Security); Yanbin Wang (Zhejiang University); Jianhai Chen (Zhejiang University); Qinming He (Zhejiang University)
  • Authenticated Subgraph Matching in Hybrid-Storage Blockchains
    Siyu Li (Beijing Institute of Technology); Zhiwei Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Meihui Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Ye Yuan ( Beijing Institute of Technology); Guoren Wang (Beijing Institute of Technology)
  • Authenticating Multi-Chain Queries: Verifiable Virtual Filesystem Is All You Need
    Haixin Wang (Hong Kong Baptist University); Cheng Xu (Hong Kong Baptist University); Xiaojie Chen (Ant Group); Ce Zhang (Hong Kong Baptist University); Haibo Hu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University); Shikun Tian (Ant Group); Ying Yan (Ant Group); Jianliang Xu (Hong Kong Baptist University)

Modern Hardware and In-Memory Database Systems I [In Theater 11, Chair: Tilmann Rabl]

Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data V [In Theater 10, Chair: Xiangyu KE]

Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data VI [In Theater 9, Chair: Tangwen Qian]

Thursday May 16th, 2024 @ 15:00-16:00
Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data VII [In Theater 12, Chair: Xin Huang]
  • Open-World Semi-Supervised Learning for Node Classification
    Yanling Wang (Zhongguancun Laboratory); Jing Zhang (Renmin University of China); LingXi Zhang (Renmin University of China); Lixin Liu (Alibaba Group); Yuxiao Dong (Tsinghua); Cuiping Li (Renmin University of China); Hong Chen (" Renmin University, China"); Hongzhi Yin (The University of Queensland)
  • Scalable Community Search with Accuracy Guarantee on Attributed Graphs
    Yuxiang Wang (Hangzhou Dianzi University); ShuZhan Ye (Hangzhou Dianzi University); Xiaoliang Xu (Hangzhou Dianzi University); Yuxia Geng (Hangzhou Dianzi University); Zhenghe Zhao (Hangzhoudianzi University); Xiangyu Ke (Zhejiang University, China); Tianxing Wu (Southeast University)
  • From Motif to Path: Connectivity and Homophily
    Qihao Wang (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign); Hongtai Cao (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Xiaodong Li (The University of Hong Kong); Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Reynold Cheng ("The University of Hong Kong, China")

Modern Hardware and In-Memory Database Systems II [In Theater 11, Chair: Amir Shaikhha]

Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data VIII [In Theater 10, Chair: Zhenhua Huang]

Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data IX [In Theater 9, Chair: Wentao Li]

Data Stream Systems and Edge Computing I [In Theater 4, Chair: Ming Hu]

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery XI [In Theater 3, Chair: Ning Liu]

Database Security and Privacy I [In Theater 2, Chair: Murat Kantarcioglu]

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery XIII [In Theater 1, Chair: Yanchao Tan]
  • Multi-Modality is All You Need for Transferable Recommender Systems
    Youhua Li (ShanghaiTech University); Hanwen Du (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Yongxin Ni (Westlake University); Pengpeng Zhao (Soochow University); Fajie Yuan (Westlake University); Qi Guo ( Institute of Computing technology); Xiaofang Zhou (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
  • Multi-view Attentive Variational Learning for Group Recommendation
    wen yang (Soochow University); Jiajie Xu (Soochow University); Rui Zhou (Swinburne University of Technology); Lu Chen (Swinburne University of Technology); Jianxin Li (Deakin University); Pengpeng Zhao (Soochow University); Chengfei Liu (Swinburne University of Technology)
  • Corruption Robust Dynamic Pricing in Liner Shipping under Capacity Constraint
    Yongyi Hu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Xueyan Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Xikai Wei ( Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Yangguang Shi (Shandong University); Xiaofeng Gao (Shanghai Jiaotong University); Guihai Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Thursday May 16th, 2024 @ 16:30-18:40
Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data X [In Theater 12, Chair: Hanchen Wang]

Modern Hardware and In-Memory Database Systems III [In Theater 11, Chair: Nikos Ntarmos]

Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data XI [In Theater 10, Chair: Zhenhua Huang]

Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data XII [In Theater 9, Chair: Davide Mottin]

Data Stream Systems and Edge Computing II [In Theater 4, Chair: Yunfan Kang]

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery XII [In Theater 3, Chair: Quanyu Dai]

Database Security and Privacy II [In Theater 2, Chair: Sharad Mehrotra]

Friday May 17th, 2024 @ 8:30-10:00
Text, Semi-Structured Data, IR, Image, and Multimedia databases II [In Theater 12, Chair: Xiangmin Zhou]

Query Processing, Indexing, and Optimization IV [In Theater 11, Chair: Mohamed Ahmed Yassin Eltabakh]

Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data XIII [In Theater 10, Chair: Yuchen Li]

Uncertain, Probabilistic, and Approximate Databases I [In Theater 9, Chair: Saeid Hosseini]

Benchmarking, Performance Modeling, Tuning, and Testing [In Theater 4, Chair: George Christodoulou]

Workflows, Scientific Data Management I [In Theater 3, Chair: TBD]

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery XIV [In Theater 2, Chair: Rihan Hai]

Friday May 17th, 2024 @ 14:00-15:50
AI for Databases IV [In Theater 12, Chair: Odysseas Papapetrou]

Query Processing, Indexing, and Optimization V [In Theater 11, Chair: Patrick P. C. Lee]

Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data XIV [In Theater 10, Chair: Ziyi Ma]

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery XV [In Theater 9, Chair: Cristian Consonni]

Spatial Databases and Temporal Databases III [In Theater 4, Chair: Walid G. Aref]
  • Parameterized Decision-making with Multi-modality Perception for Autonomous Driving
    Yuyang Xia (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China); Shuncheng Liu (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China); quanlin yu (University Of Electronic Science And Technology Of China); Liwei Deng (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China); You Zhang (University of Michigan); Han Su (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China); Kai Zheng (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)
  • CausalTAD: Causal Implicit Generative Model for Debiased Online Trajectory Anomaly Detection
    Wenbin Li (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Di Yao (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Chang Gong (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Xiaokai Chu (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Quanliang Jing (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Xiaolei Zhou (DIDI Global Inc.); Zhang Yuxuan (DiDi Global); Yunxia Fan (DIDI Global Inc.); Jingping Bi (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
  • Learning to Hash for Trajectory Similarity Computation and Search
    Liwei Deng (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China); Yan Zhao (Aalborg University); Jin Chen (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(UESTC)); Shuncheng Liu (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China); Yuyang Xia (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China); Kai Zheng (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)
  • Ocean: Online Clustering and Evolution Analysis for Dynamic Streaming Data
    chunhui feng (Soochow University); Junhua Fang (Soochow University); Yue Xia (Soochow University); Pingfu Chao (Soochow University); Pengpeng Zhao (Soochow University); Jiajie Xu (Soochow University); Xiaofang Zhou (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
  • SWISP: Distributed Convoy Mining via Sliding Window-based Indexing and Sub-track Partitioning
    Chenxu Wang (Xi'an Jiaotong University); Xin Yang (Xi'an Jiaotong University); Tianyi Li (Aalborg University); Jiaxing Wei (Xi'an Jiaotong University); Pinghui Wang (Xi'an Jiaotong University); Hongzhen Xiang (Xi'an Jiaotong University); Christian S. Jensen (Aalborg University)
  • Querying Shortest Path on Large Time-Dependent Road Networks with Shortcuts
    Zengyang Gong (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ); Yuxiang Zeng (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Lei Chen (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Information Integration and Data Quality IV [In Theater 3, Chair: Karl Aberer]

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery XVII [In Theater 2, Chair: TBD]

Friday May 17th, 2024 @ 16:20-18:30
AI for Databases V [In Theater 12, Chair: Hiroyuki Yamada]

Query Processing, Indexing, and Optimization VI [In Theater 11, Chair: Maximilian E Schüle]

Graphs, Networks, and Semistructured Data XV [In Theater 10, Chair: Chenxu Wang]

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery XVI [In Theater 9, Chair: TBD]

Spatial Databases and Temporal Databases IV [In Theater 4, Chair: Lei Li]

Information Integration and Data Quality V [In Theater 3, Chair: Cristian Consonni]

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery XVIII [In Theater 2, Chair: Hakim Qhatan]

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© ICDE 2024