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Co-located Workshops


The DECOR workshop aims to provide a leading forum for researchers, practitioners, developers, and users to explore cutting-edge ideas and to exchange techniques, tools, and experiences in the intersection of Data Engineering and Intelligent Food and Cooking Recipes.


The DASC workshop aims to gather professionals from municipalities, industry, and academia focusing on different aspects of Smart city. The purpose of the session is to discuss the latest scientific results and practical use cases, identify the opportunities and challenges of novel best methods and practices on data-driven Smart cities.


The Fairness in AI workshop aims at discussing a set of new Machine Learning approaches, applications and paradigms which enhance fairness and explainability in AI algorithms and Systems. It also aims at raising the awareness of the Data Engineering community on the challenges and opportunities of the fairness in AI arena.


The MulTiSA workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners working with multivariate time series, for presenting and discussing requirements, open problems, and related work, and to foster collaborations and further developments in the topic.


The DataPlat workshop aims at funneling efforts toward the development of data platforms as data-intensive ecosystems supporting data scientists and architects at a high level, and fosters innovative research solutions that contribute to further advancements in this field.


The DBML workshop aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners in the intersection of DB and ML research, providing a forum for DB-inspired or ML-inspired approaches addressing challenges encountered in each of the two areas.


The SEAGraph workshop proposes a unique international venue for researchers and practitioners willing to share their insights, experience, and solutions in the management and analysis of heterogeneous Graph data. The SEA Graph workshop will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, results, and visions on challenges in adopting graphs to handle data management, information extraction, exploration, and analysis of heterogeneous data and multiple data models at once.

HardBD & Active'24

The aim of the HardBD&Active workshop is to bring together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, and others who are interested to share their perspectives on exploiting new hardware technologies for data-intensive workloads and big data systems, and to discuss and identify future directions and challenges in this area.

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© ICDE 2024